Monday 30 April 2012

Gots a new Tablet.

I purchased a larger tablet for myself this weekend. This was a 5 minute, extremely terrible scribble. I wanted to test it to see if I could just draw on it free-hand and so far it looks like I can. Better creations are to come as I get more confident with it.

I spent a large chunk of the day gesture drawing with the boyfriend. Outside was a bit too chilly, so we relocated to the local Starbucks.You wouldn't think it but there was a lot of movement and activity there. (My first thought was stationary people doing uninteresting things. I was very wrong.)

I also discovered a certain area of the library makes for a decent spot. It's got a view of the main street so there is a lot of activity to sketch. I will be camping out there at least 3 times a week to practice until it warms up enough to sit outside.

I will post my better gestures in the coming days.

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